Flashdrive Guiformat free download for pc or laptop

Flashdrive Guiformat free download for pc or laptop.

Fat32 Format is a Portable GUI tool that allows you to Format a drive as Fat32 even if the volume is larger than the 32GB limit imposed by Windows. By default, Windows XP won't let you format a volume bigger than 32GB with FAT32. The Fat32 Format Utility easily works around this limitation and enables you to format a device up to 2TB in size. Useful for formatting large external USB Hard Drives as Fat32 that cannot be formatted using default Windows format tools.
I used this tool under a Windows XP,W7,W8,W8.1 virtual machine running on Linux and it worked fine.

Flashdrive Guiformat free download

Format Factory 3.6.0 free download for pc or laptop

Format Factory 3.6.0 free download for pc or laptop.
Format Factory is a free audio, video and photo converter that supports a large range of formats for encoding and ripping. You can convert either single files or entire folders from one format to another. Presets for portable devices make it easy to create audio and video files that can play on your Android phone or tablet, iPhone, iPad, iPod or Blackberry. Format Factory lets you rip your favorite DVDs and Music CDs to create a copy of your films and songs on your local hard disk or any portable storage drive. If your media files are corrupted, Format Factory can help to repair them. While converting pictures, Format Factory allows rotation and zoom as well as adding of tags and watermarks. The program also comes with an AV Mux tool.

Format Factory free download. Always available Here

  • Video formats: MPG, WMV, 3GP, FLV, SWF, MP4, AVI, ...
  • Audio formats: WAV, WMA, OGG, MP3, AAC, AMR, ...
  • Image formats: PNG, JPG, TIF, ICO, BMP, GIF, TGA, ...
Format Factory free download

Free Download Foxit Reader for pc or laptop

Free Download Foxit Reader for pc or laptop.
Foxit Reader allows you to create, view and print PDF's. The application is noticeably smaller than Adobe's Acrobat software and therefore makes it ideal for those of you who need a powerful program, which doesn't rely heavily upon system resources.
Foxit Reader is a completely configurable program. You can change the way your document looks with read mode, reverse view and text viewer options. You can also configure the page to display in many ways; full screen, single page, continuous scrolling, split, two page facing, continuous facing, separate cover page and auto-scroll.

  • View and Print: Because Foxit Reader is built upon the industry’s fastest and most accurate PDF rendering engine, it provides users with a quality PDF viewing and printing experience. Language support is available in English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
  • PDF Create: Foxit Reader allows you to create PFD's how you want them, not just in a standard format.
  • Text converter: With Foxit Reader's Text converter feature, you can convert the PDF document into a simple text file.
  • Multi-tab document display: This feature allows you to change between different PDF documents quickly and easily. You can also view your PDF's in multiple ways by using the marquee, loupe, and magnifier tools.
  • Annotation tool: Foxit Reader allows you to highlight text, draw graphics, type text and make notes on any PDF document. Your document can then be saved or printed in it's original version or the annotated version.
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FastStone Capture Free Download for pc or laptop

FastStone Capture Free Download for pc or laptop.
      A single executable file that installs the application in your computer. Recommended for most users.

      A zip (compressed) format of the exe file above. In some networks, downloading exe files is strictly prohibited. If you are using such networks, download the zip file instead. After the download, just unzip it to get the exe file (installer).

      A zip (compressed) file that includes all the required files to run the application independently from any folder you dump it in. Major advantage is that you can carry it around on a memory stick / USB flash drive, or copy / migrate from PC to PC via simple copying of files. No installation is necessary.


Download FastStone Capture

KMPlayer free download for pc or laptop Excellent free multi-format media player

KMPlayer free download for pc or laptop Excellent free multi-format media player.

KMPlayer is a lightweight audio and video player for Windows that supports a wide range of different file formats, including AVI, ASF, WMV, AVS, FLV, MKV, and many more.


KMPlayer has a small desktop footprint and its minimalist interface makes video playback quick and hassle-free. The player's interface is fully skinable, and there are some nice aesthetic touches, such as the changing of colour on the player with every new track, amnd the ability to automatically import album art.
There are all sorts of options to help you pimp and customize KMPlayer, such as visualizations, plug-ins and playback options. But the beauty of KMPlayer is that these are turned on at your request rather than being forced upon you at the outset.
KMPlayer also supports 3-D formats and an option to add album


KMPlayer handles both audio and video, and supports a wide range of different formats, meaning that once installed, you should never need to touch another player.
Video playback is particularly impressive thanks to the range of processing tools available that allow you to sharpen, change picture properties, apply filters and even make video captures from within the program.


If you're looking for a customizable, light yet powerful video player, KMPlayer is exactly what you need.

What's new

The new cloud feature KMP Connect allows you to share your music and videos online with your friends.

Recent changes

  • - Added Instant View.
  • - Fixed Denial Of Service PoC(PlayList M3U) - Provided by: Jigsaw (Abdelmorite), KISA
  • - Modified default use of Internal Splitter(AVI) for streaming(http, https, ftp).
  • - Fixed TS source filter error.
  • - Supports FTP server(UTF-8).
  • - Added https streaming function.
  • - Added Subtitle resync function. (Ctrl+Alt+[, Ctrl+Alt+])
  • - Improved seek speed of MKV, MP4, FLV.

Adobe Reader / pdf reader Free Download for pc or laptop AdbeRdr90_en_US.exe

Adobe Reader / pdf reader Free Download for pc or laptop AdbeRdr90_en_US.exe

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Free download livezilla for computer Live Support Chat Software

Free download livezilla for computer.
 Download LiveZilla Live Support Chat Software now.livezilla, online support, chat software, live support, live help, ticket system, open source live support, open source live help, customer support, livechat, livehelp, help desk, help desk, visitor monitoring, trafficking, provide support.

 Download LiveZilla Live Support Chat Software now.
LiveZilla Live Support Software featuring Live Chats, Real Time Visitor Monitoring, Online Customer Support,Here it is, the last free version of LiveZilla before they implemented the new pricing structure! 

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Notepad++ is a free source code editor

Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages.

  • Notepad++ Installer
    : Take this one if you have no idea which one you should take.
  • Notepad++ zip package: Don't want to use installer? Check this one (zip format).
  • Notepad++ 7z package: Don't want to use installer? 7z format.
  • Notepad++ minimalist package: No theme, no plugin, no updater, quick download and play directly. 7z format.
  • SHA-1 digests for binary packages: Check it if you're paranoid.
  • Notepad++ source code: The source code of current version.
You can find sha1 digests for binaries package on GitHub as well.
Notepad++ v6.7.9.2 new feature and bug-fixes:
  1. Fix JavaScript block not recognized in HTML document.
Notepad++ v6.7.9.1 new feature and bug-fixes:
  1. Fix Hanging on exit of Notepad++ issue (update DSpellCheck for its instability issue).
  2. Add "Google Search" command in the context menu.

Notepad++ v6.7.9 new features:
  1. Upgrade Scintilla to v3.56.
  2. Add Language and EOL conversion context menu on status bar.
  3. Enhance sort lines feature: Add lexicographic and numeric (integer and real) sorting with ascending and descending order.
  4. Add new feature which launches a new instance with administrator privilege to save the protected file.
  5. Fix the context menu not working problem after doing find in files action.
  6. Improve copy (to clipboard) in found results panel.
  7. Improve find in files modal dialog.


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Free download photo collage for pc.
Picture Collage Maker, free and safe download. Picture Collage Maker 4.1.2: Create photo collages from any set of images.

free download photo collage maker - Picture Collage Maker 4.1.2: Create photo collages from any set of images, and much more programs.

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Free download potplayer for pc 2015

Free download potplayer for pc 2015
Download PotPlayer now : 100% safe and virus free. More than 12301 downloads this month. Download PotPlayer 1.6.54538 for free.
PotPlayer, free and safe download. PotPlayer 1.6.54538: Powerful media player with support for lots of formats.
PotPlayer is a pretty awesome free media player for Windows.Download Daum PotPlayer 1.6 : PotPlayer is able to play smoothly any media file you throw at it without the help of any audio or video codec packs.


PotPlayer is a free advanced multimedia player. Plenty of features and ... You can download DVBsupports Potplayer builds from DVBSupport.  free potplayer windows 8.1 download now - PotPlayer 1.6.54538: Powerful media player with support for lots of formats, and much more programs.

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Free Download Smadav PRO 2015 rev 10.0 Serial Number Key Terbaru - Hello my frens gestosoft.Smadav 10.0 Pro 2015 Crack Plus Keygen Full Download is a type of software which is used to protect your data from damaging.
You can install Smadav alongside your existing antivirus product to enjoy an additional layer of protection.  Download SmadAV Pro Rev 10.0.0 Full Version Serial Key Number.

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TuxGuitar, With TuxGuitar, you will be able to compose music using the following features

TuxGuitar is an open source multi track turntable editor. You can read and write Guitar Pro files using TuxGuitar.

With TuxGuitar, you will be able to compose music using the following features

  • Tablature editor
  • Score Viewer
  • Multitrack display
  • Autoscroll while playing
  • Note duration management
  • Various effects (bend, slide, vibrato, hammer-on/pull-off)
  • Support for triplets (5,6,7,9,10,11,12)
  • Repeat open and close
  • Time signature management
  • Tempo management
  • Imports and exports gp3,gp4 and gp5 files


TuxGuitar is a multitrack guitar tablature editor and player written in Java-SWT, It can open GuitarPro, PowerTab and TablEdit files.

Tux Guitar


TeamViewer provides easy, fast and secure remote access

TeamViewer - the All-In-One Software
for Remote Support and Online Meetings
TeamViewer provides easy, fast and secure remote access to Windows, Mac and Linux systems.
Remote control any computer or Mac over the internet within seconds or use TeamViewer for online meetings. Find out why more than 200 million users trust TeamViewer!

TeamViewer is the All-In-One Solution for Remote Access and Support over the Internet. TeamViewer connects to any PC or server around the world.

Remote Support and Remote Access

Remote Support – no need for any installation on the client side
Remote Administration – 24/7 access to remote computers and servers
Remote Access – access your data and applications – anytime, anywhere
Home Office – access your office computer from home


Online Meeting and Online Presentation

Online Meetings – have up to 25 participants
Online Presentation – boost your sales potential
Training Session – cut costs by conducting training online
Online Teamwork – collaborate online on documents in real-time
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SuperCopier Copy or move files and folders in Windows much faster

SuperCopier Copy or move files and folders in Windows much faster
Windows doesn't certainly stand out for its speed when copying or moving files. This is why using a program like SuperCopier is such a great idea!
SuperCopier manages transfers of large quantities of folders and files, or huge-sized files in a much more reliable and efficient way than that standard Windows Explorer. You can run the program from its icon on the system or simply copy and paste files and folders in the usual way: SuperCopier is embedded in Windows Explorer and will take care of the task.
This program not only makes copying and moving files much faster, but also adds some handy new options: you can now pause and resume the task at any point, see the transfer speed rate, check the percentage of completion, create lists of files to be copied or moved and even modify this list while the process is already taking place. Best of all, SuperCopier doesn't replace the standard copy/paste Windows functionality, so you can try it out without any fears and simply uninstall it in case you're not happy with it.
SuperCopier includes a complete settings menu that lets you tweak the program's behavior, as well as customize some details in the program's interface– which, to be honest, wouldn't win any design prize.

SuperCopier enables you to copy and paste files and folders in Windows in a much faster, more reliable and efficient way.

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UniPDF Converter Convert PDF to Word, JPG, HTML, or Text in batches

UniPDF Converter Convert PDF to Word, JPG, HTML, or Text in batches
Standalone and easy-to-use, UniPDF performs accurate conversion from PDF files to word documents (doc/rtf), images (JPG/PNG/BMP/TIF/GIF/PCX/TGA), HTML, or plain text files (txt) in batch mode, with all document texts, layouts, images and formatting ideally preserved.

Supported PDF File Languages UniPDF supports almost all of the major languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Chinese Traditional, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic,Turkish etc.

 Supported Output Formats UniPDF supports major formats including Word documents (*.doc), Rich Text Format (*.rtf), images files(*.jpg/ *.png/ *.bmp/ *.tif/ *.gif/ *.pcx/ *.tga), HTML (*.html), and plain text files (*.txt).

Completely free and easy-to-use, it's an all-in-one PDF converter software that performs accurate conversions. It support almost supports almost all of the major languages in original PDF files, which makes it usable for users of most countries.

For users who want to convert PDF files to word documents, images, HTML, or plain text files in a fast easy way.


Free Download VLC media player

VLC media player

VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. 

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Latest WinRAR

Compress, Encrypt, Package and Backup with only one utility

Over 500 million users worldwide make WinRAR the world's most popular compression tool today.
There is no better way to compress files for efficient and secure file transfer, faster e-mail transmission and well organized data storage.
RAR and WinRAR are Windows 8 (TM) compatible, available in over 50 languages in both 32bit and 64bit and several operating systems (OS) and the only compression software that is fully accepted in all countries using Unicode.

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Autorun Virus Remover for pc or laptop

Autorun Virus Remover for pc or laptop.


Remove Autorun&Autorun.inf virus Easily and Quickly

Does your antivirus can't remove the autorun& autorun.inf virus in your system or USB storage device completely? Or even they can't detect the virus?
Autorun& autorun.inf virus is a new kind of virus/trojan, most of common antivirus products such as Kaspersky, Nod32, Avast, AVG can do little about this kind of virus/trojan.
Autorun Virus Remover uses proactive technology to permanently remove autorun& autorun.inf viruses, also it can block any autorun/autorun.inf viruses trying to infect the system via USB drives(pendrive, external hard disk, iPod, etc). What you need to do is just clicking the scan button of Autorun Virus Remover.

Key Features

Permanently remove autorun virus in your system and USB drives
The common antivirus always can't get rid of the virus completely, the virus comes back after a few seconds of removing it. Also you can't clean the virus even formatting the hard disk or pendrive. Autorun Virus Remover use innovative technology to detect and remove autorun/autorun.inf virus in your computer or USB drive permanently. What you need to do is clicking the scan button, and waiting for virus scan complete. The autorun/autorun.inf virus will not come back again after removing.

Prevent autorun virus infecting computer from USB drives.
Autorun/autourn.inf virus will automatically spread through your system when you insert an infected USB flash drive into the computer.
Autorun Virus Remover uses innovative technology to block the autorun virus. Any USB drives inserted into computer, Autorun Virus Remover will automatically scan it and remove threats.The autorun virus will not be able to infect your computer any more.

Prevent data leak via USB storage devices
You can set the USB port status to Read only or Readable/Writable both with Autorun Virus Remover, also you can disable usage of any USB storage devices to prevent data leaks across USB flash drives. more information

The best solution to protect offline computer
Other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they can not effectively protect offline computer which is not connected to the Internet. When new viruses, worms and other malicious attacks strike, traditional signatures are insufficient. Autorun Virus Remover uses advanced detection techniques, it doesn't mainly rely on virus signature, so it can protect offline computer from autorun virus effectively without updating frequently.

Compatible with other antiviruses
In the vast majority of cases, installing two antivirus programs on one machine (for increased protection) is technically impossible, as the two programs will disrupt each other's functioning. However, Autorun Virus Remover is 100% compatible with all other security products in fully testing, including Norton,Nod32,AVG,Kaspersky,etc. You can use two antiviruses to fully protect your computer now.

No recurring payment, the license key is lifetime
Other antivirus products should be paid for updates every year. The Autorun Virus Remover key is lifetime. You receive all future program updates free of charge.

Support all kinds of external removable media
Pen drives
USB sticks
USB Flash cards
USB MP3 players
USB Audio players

External hard drives
Pocket PCs
Mobile phones
iPod's and iPhone's
Other USB mass storage enabled devices 
Autorun Virus Remover

Avro Keyboard For Bangla Typing .

Avro Keyboard For Bangla Typing .
Avro Keyboard, simply the Best Bangla Typing Software, breaks all old records, wipes out obstacles, rewrites history and recreates tradition!


Avro Keyboard is the first free Bangla typing software for Windows. Type Bangla anywhere- write documents, spreadsheets, send Bangla email, chat in Bangla, write Bangla blog or design Bangla web pages, anything is possible! Completely Unicode complaint. Supports all popular methods of Bangla typing - English to Bangla phonetic typing, fixed keyboard layout based typing, and mouse based Bangla typing. With the built in Keyboard Layout Editor, users can also create new Bangla keyboard layouts or edit existing one. User friendly interface, easiest typing system, lots of typing automation tool, free online support makes it the most popular Bangla typing software of today.

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Desert Hawk Action Games

Desert Hawk Action Games. 
Download Desert Hawk free full version game and start playing now!



The centerpiece of this free game is a new terrorist base, well defended and cleverly designed to make any head-on attack pointless. This time around, the terrorists created a new monstrous weapon and a new type of explosives. Naturally, the only way to stop the destruction is to annihilate the opponents while they are on the move. After this is done, the player has to carefully plan the assault on the core base, which is defended by the towers and is fortified with a new type of metal alloy.
With amazing graphics, a stirring soundtrack, and some of the most exciting action we've ever offered, this free full verion downloadable pc game is a bold new mission for arcade lovers.

Desert Hawk Action Games

DU Meter is an app that will help to regulate the amount of traffic or data running through your system, without the need for expensive network administration software.

DU Meter is an app that will help to regulate the amount of traffic or data running through your system, without the need for expensive network administration software.
DU Meter is a free utility which includes an extensive logging facility, flexible events system, and it works with virtually all types of network connections including phone modems, DSL, cable modem, LAN and satellite. By using DU Meter, you can observe or anticipate unexpected changes and even receive alerts about dangerous or unexpected network activity. From a pretty basic app, DU Meter has now been updated to make it a pretty impressive package that incorporates a much improved graphical user interface and a new mini mode in which the program operates extremely discreetly.

In addition, the program now uses a real database engine, which allows for much more accurate and detailed alerts regarding unusual network activity. It should be noted that in Windows Vista, DU Meter is even more easily accessibly thanks to a sidebar gadget that unfortunately isn't available in other versions of Windows.
For basic network monitoring and prevention of unexpected internet loss or abnormal activity, DU Meter has it all.

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